Saturday, June 2, 2012

Eagle Diet

This photo represents the first time I have been close enough to an eagle to take photos of them eating.  Well, that isn't including a mouse which you wouldn't have been able to see anyway.  Fish seem to be the majority of their diet on the rive where I film.  And why not?  Fishing is good and they are fairly easy to catch.  But, eagles generally do have a much broader diet and I am sure if the opportunity presented itself, they would go after other birds and mammals.

This particular eagle has a very commanding presence, even among the eagles. It is only now turning, so it is a pretty young bird, but it is already a force to deal with.  It is the same eagle I posted where it was sitting on the dead tree and also the one that was upset because the tree was no longer there.

This is also the first eagle I have ever heard vocalize and I was not impressed with it's call.  It is not nearly as loud or powerful sounding as you would think.  I have heard a few wrens that could give it a run for it's money.

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