Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Canada Geese have their own version of, "rolling the floor laughing." They would probably call it, "RITPL - rolling in the pond laughing." I never saw geese do this until last year. Actually, other than this one spot, I have never seen them do it anywhere else. It is so odd to see them flip upside down, feet splayed out up in the air.

Some roll over on their side while others tip over in a forward somersault. Once they come back up they will usually stay over on their side like the one over on the left in this series of three photos.

They flap their wings violently, throwing water all over the place. Here are a few more rolls.

There is also the slightly more sedate, traditional bathing method where they dunk the head in like a duck and let the water wash over their back as in these pictures.

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