Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Bad Day, Good Spot

There is a little community on the edge of the Bay called Fairhaven which is set on a cliff. As you travel through the community, the road drops back down to sea level and, where it does, there is a pond (more like a small lake) on the opposite side of the road which attracts the Tundra Swans. The depth must be pretty even and is just about perfect for swans to feed off the bottom without straining themselves to do it. When I got there the other day, most had their heads underwater which gives the impression of a bunch of white boulders sticking out of the water. I did a cursory count a couple of times which lead me to believe there were about one hundred swans in the pond.

I have made up a phrase that I hope will go viral - "weathermen and other liars." Even just a day out, they were predicting the day would reach close to seventy degrees. I only live a few miles inland and you would be surprised at the difference that can make in the weather between home and the Bay.  I know I have been over and over again as I found I had not dressed warm enough. When I got there, the wind was blowing a steady 25 mph, there was dense fog that never cleared, misty rain and I don't think it got much above forty degrees the entire time I was there! It was so foggy, I could hardly make out the back of the pond where these swans were hanging out.

As I said earlier, the pond seems to be of fairly even depth, but there must be a few deeper holes. Once in a while a swan had to tip completely straight up and down to reach the bottom. It was laughable to see them try to maintain this position, kicking their feet to stay downright (as opposed to upright). Most of the reason I had not filmed here before is because there is nowhere to park. Where it is possible to park, it is posted no parking. I had to park well beyond the area around the pond. Then, too, you take your life into your hands because there is no shoulder. There is the road and then there is the guardrail with almost no space between the two, so I had to be careful to make sure drivers saw me and weren't busy texting or chatting on their cellphones. Despite that, I hope to go back a few more times before the swans leave for the far north. I'll post more pictures over the next few days. 

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