Thursday, April 7, 2011

Never Having to Say Your Sorry

A high ISO setting doesn't always have to mean unacceptable image noise.
Camera manufacturers have been doing amazing things with noise suppression in the most recent generations of cameras.  Today's ability to increase ISO settings and shoot under very dim lighting was unheard of even a few short years ago.  It would not surprise me if at some point in the not too distant future photographers are able to handhold a camera at night and take a usable photograph. 

Noise is most noticeable in the darker tones of an image.  So if shadows are minimal and the image is properly exposed, noise may not even be an issue at high ISO settings.  The picture below was taken with an ISO setting of 1250 in low light conditions which you would think would produce a significant amount of noise in the image.  As you can see, however, it is fairly free of noise.

There is a downside that hasn't been overcome as yet.  The noise suppression algorythms used with high ISO settings will cause a slight loss of detail and it may be a while until manufacturers solve that problem.

This is an unmanipulated image other than a slight tonal correction and some sharpening.

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