Monday, December 3, 2012

Ship to Shore

There have not been too many occasions where I have simply jumped in the car and wandered around looking for something to film.  I usually have a specific place in mind before I go.  On this very cold day in January, however, I was itching to try out my brand new blue and gold polarizing filter, so I decided to drive around and see if I could find something upon which to train my lens. 

I followed the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay until I ended up in the small town of Deale, a rather quaint village in it's own right. There are a couple of large marinas and a network of creeks where people have built their homes right up against the shoreline. Since it was so cold, there wasn't much activity except for this one sailboat heading back to the marina, so my attention was easily drawn to it. Normally, I probably would never have even thought to raise the camera, but I was desperate, or my finger was itchy or something.

Later, the oddity of a good sized sailboat in a small creek surrounded by homes is what I thought gave the photograph interest. I didn't particularly like it in the original colors (and there really wasn't much blue or gold to have warranted taking the picture), but I did like it a whole lot more when I experimented with making it a duotone and chose some complimentary colder tones to try to convey the cold of that day.

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