Friday, November 4, 2011

Taking a Little Extra Care of Equipment

Extreme changes in temperature mean you have to take a little more care with your camera equipment.  I'm talking about moving from A/C to hot, muggy weather outside or from a warm house into freezing temperatures.  Both will cause condensation on your lens, but more importantly, condensation on inner electronics that can potentially cause real problems.  I routinely use a kitchen garbage bag and place the entire camera bag inside the garbage bag and close it up when going from one extreme to the other.  Once the temperature of the camera equipment has stabilized, its safe to remove it from the bag. 

By doing this an hour in advance of using the equipment, it prevents the lens from fogging up while you are trying to use it.   I forgot to do it the other morning and had to deal with the front lens fogging up.  Despite wiping it off, it kept fogging up.  That is what is causing the "glow" on the boat in the photo above which, in this case, I thought was a serendipity.

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