Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tufted Titmouse

Titmice are highly sociable little birds.  We tend to ascribe human characteristics to our feathered friends.  Titmice are both polite and generally unselfish.  They don't chase other birds away from the feeder like some do and they are perfectly content to take turns retrieving one little seed from the feeder, flying to a nearby branch and eating it there, instead of just sitting on the feeder, keeping others from taking a turn.

Their tufted crown makes them look very conical from the front.  Their sturdy little bill is conical also.  They will place the seed between their feet and hold it there with a pigeon-toed grip while they peck the shell open to get to the seed.  They are more attracted to open woodlands so you may not see them if you have a lot of lawn around you house.

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