Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Background Check

So far, I have shown mostly tight clusters of blossoms. They were not shot one right after another, but were chosen out of a series of photos. They were shot in such a way that the background of each contributes little to the image. If you can position the background far enough away from the subject, it will become a simple color wash against which the subject stands out.

On the other hand, I was also looking for situations in which the background could contribute to the picture without distracting from the blooms such as in this image where one of the branches is seen and there is the suggestion of another cluster behind the main subject.

The tree is not a cultivated or pruned tree and is lanky in an effort to reach the sunlight under the canopy of other larger trees at the edge of the woods. The trunk can be seen here in the background. This year was the most loaded with blossoms the tree has ever been. I like this wild one more than the cultivated trees in the park.

Here is another photo where the trunk of the tree is visible.  It is surprisingly small. This photo was taken on the second day which was cloudy, but the sky in this image is almost too bright and slightly distracting. Still, a cloudy day is much better for this kind of photography. Bright sunlight on blooms can blow out one petal while the petal next to it is rendered too dark. I was glad it was cloudy.

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